Wednesday 27 May 2015

Spring Salad in 5 minutes

 Too busy to prepare your own salad? Perhaps not. It took me 5 minutes to make this one.

It has been a staple for me in the last few weeks. Sometimes I skip radishes or replace cucumber with cherry tomatoes (saves time!). If you are trying to lose weight eat snap peas only 1 or 2 times a week.

3 leafs Romaine lettuce
½ medium bell pepper – any color but green
1-2 radishes
1/3 of long cucumber, diced
handful of cherry tomatoes or 1 medium one
handful of sweet snap peas

You can add hard boiled egg if you find that salad is not filling enough.
Feel free to mix and match the ingredients.

I must admit that I prefer creamy dressing with this salad and use store bough one (make sure to get one that is refrigerated).
I have an idea for a homemade dressing so stay tuned.

Time saving tips:
Boil your egg (or a couple as they last in a fridge) the night before.
After you buy radishes chop off the green part, wash and dry them and put in the container, cover. Store in the fridge. They will stay firm for 3-4 days easily.

I like to prepare my salads in the morning so the cut up veggies loose as little nutrients as possible. I put 1 table spoon of dressing in the container with salad and mix just before eating. Fewer boxes to wash.

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