Wednesday, 10 June 2015

ALKALINE vs. ACIDIC DIET and 80-20 principle

To measure pH levels we use a scale that ranges from 0 (Acidic) to 14 (alkaline). 
Water has pH of 7 and is neutral. Our skin is slightly acidic at 6.5 but inside of our body is slightly alkaline.

When planning meals it is important to know which of the foods are acid and which are alkaline forming. It means that once the food breaks down in your body it leaves a residue of certain pH. 
For instance lemons are acidic but once digested they create alkaline residue. 
Dairy is opposite.  It creates highly acidic residue.

Eating acid forming foods is not a bad thing as long we keep a healthy balance and do not overwhelm our bodies with them. Otherwise to maintain alkaline pH our organs need to work much harder, channeling energy away from other vital functions. When liver and kidneys are overtaxed and not able to eliminate all the toxins they get store them in our bodies. As toxins love fat, the fatty areas like breast are becoming the storing ground. 

Your new best friend! Green leafy vegetables.

When our bodies become too acidic we start losing minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium.

There were studies done showing that women who consume large amounts of diary suffer from osteoporosis more often than those who consumed less! It goes against of what we were always told that we need milk for calcium. As it turns out not only we have difficulty digesting milk protein but in the process we lose more calcium than we absorb.

Typical North American diet is rich in meat, caffeine, refined sugar, dairy, alcohol, artificial sweeteners and processed food all of which are acid forming. All this excess of acid may lead to inflammation and increases chances of us getting sick.

We should strive to eat 80% alkaline forming foods and 20 % other. There is no need to count calories, simply fill half of your plate with vegetables (steamed, roasted, grilled, fresh); 1/4 of a plate should be good fats and lean protein, 1/4 good carbs. 
Alternatively 80% vegetables and remaining 20% EITHER protein OR carbs.

I will follow up with another post to explain this last combination. Stay tuned!


VEGETABLES –green leafy, broccoli, squash, red peppers

FRUIT – berries, lemons and limes

DAIRY and EGGS– nut milk (almond), coconut milk, free range eggs
NUTS – pecans, walnuts, almonds, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds
FATS – avocado, coconut oil, flax seed oil, pumpkin oil, almond butter,
DRINKS – green or white tea, water, herbal teas, coconut water


GRAINS – quinoa, chia, millet, buckwheat

When eating meat or fish choose cold water fish (trout, salmon, halibut, sardines etc.),  grass fed or organic meats of, duck, chicken and turkey,  lamb or beef. Choose leaner cut as toxins accumulate in fatty tissue. Try limiting to 2-3 times per week.

How is your diet? Are you keeping within the alkaline guideline? 

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