Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Homemade Lemon Curd

I have never made it before now. I have never made lemon meringue pie. I cannot believe it since I absolutely love everything lemon. 

start wit Meyer's Lemons

I first came across recipe for lemon curd a few years ago, on one of my long time favorite blog  Pigtown-Design. 

When I have recently picked up a bag of Meyer’s lemons I immediately thought that they would be great for making some kind of preserve instead of juicing like usual. Meyer’s lemons are sweeter than regular lemons. 

zest and juice them

I quickly looked up Meg’s recipe and here is my first ever, most delicious Lemon Curd. I will use it as a filling for little tattletales. After all, the evenings are long and cold and a cup of tea deserves some company.

and there you have it!


Yield 750 ml of curd

3 tablespoons of lemon zest (you will need about 6 lemons)
¾ cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
11/3 cup of sugar
4 large eggs
1 ¾ sticks of butter
1/8 teaspoon salt

Beat the sugar and butter in a bowl using hand mixer. Add eggs one by one. Mix in between adding the eggs. Add lemon juice and zest. The mixture will look curdled at this point.
Pour it into thick bottomed pan and heat up over low-medium heat stirring occasionally until it becomes smooth. Do not let it boil. Increase heat to medium and cook stirring constantly for about 15 minutes until mixture thickens.
Remove from heat. Strain into jars. One large one in my case. Cover immediately to prevent skin from forming. Curd will thicken further as it cools. Refrigerate for up to a week after opening.


1 comment:

  1. This sounds and looks really nice ♥

