Thursday, 26 November 2015

How to stay sane and on budget this Black Friday. Checklist.

If you are buying a lot of gifts it makes sense to take advantage of the sales. Keep in mind that it  is very easy to get carried away and buy way more than necessary.

Here is my Christmas shopping strategy: 

 ⎕ Make a list of what gifts you need to buy. Divide by age, gender or store category. This way, when in a toy store you do not scroll through a foot long list, risking that you miss someone and have to go back.
Create your own shopping strategy. Make it in a way that would improve and expedite the whole process.  I thing of every recipient individually and make a little notation by each name with gift ideas.

⎕ Have a BUDGET – based on experience assign approximate amount per person, and that does not have to mean the same per person.

⎕ Go for quality not quantity – if there are going to be gifts from many people under the tree.

⎕ Resist deals like buy 2 get 3rd for whatever if you only need one sweater. Yes they end up being cheaper per piece but you now have 2 sweaters that you do not need and have spent money that were for other gifts. This is a sure way to very quickly going over budget.

⎕I find that pre-Christmas sales are best for big ticket items – and if you have done your due diligence, you may be able to take advantage of some good deals. I need a new computer so am definitely keeping my eyes on the flyers!

The hardest one:

⎕Do not buy anything for yourself. Every time I go shopping all I can see are things that I like and probably could use and almost nothing that is on my list. RESIST. Unless it is really, really great deal and you would but it anyway.

Having a plan works for me.

What are your time and money saving shopping strategies?

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